S2 Episode 10: Empowering Women in Construction: Red Shoe Movement’s Impactful Strategies with Mariela Dabbah

Welcome to the Construction DEI Talks podcast, a show dedicated to exploring diversity, equity, and inclusion within the construction industry. Join us as co-hosts Jorge Quezada, Stephanie Roldan, and Aby Combs engage in insightful conversations with industry experts, discussing ways to improve and strengthen our field. In this episode, Aby and Jorge have an inspiring conversation with Mariella Dabbah, Founder and CEO of the Red Shoe Movement—a global community of professionals committed to supporting women’s career success through peer and leadership development.

Mariella shares her personal journey and emphasizes the importance of maintaining authenticity and individuality in professional settings. As she delves into the challenges faced by women in the corporate world, Mariella highlights the need for private conversations among women and the significance of defining personal success while fostering inclusivity within organizations. The Red Shoe Movement partners with larger organizations to facilitate career advancement for women and promotes a culture of inclusiveness. With seven guiding principles, the movement empowers individuals to design workplaces that are encouraging and welcoming for everyone.

Discover how companies, including those in male-dominated industries like construction, finance, and logistics, can collaborate with the Red Shoe Movement to support gender equality. Learn about the innovative pink hard hat initiative tailored specifically for the construction field. Mariella explains how the movement operates within organizations, encouraging simultaneous progress in both the advancement of women and the evolution of company culture. Men are invited to join the movement and contribute positively, fostering an environment of collaboration rather than guilt or shame.

Moreover, gain insights into the Red Shoe Movement’s partnership with an artist dedicated to empowering women worldwide. Discover the transformative impact the movement has on team members at Granite Construction, and explore the three essential calls to action: be open and curious, embrace the value of learning from mistakes, and actively engage with the movement.

Don’t miss this engaging episode of Construction DEI Talks as we explore the Red Shoe Movement’s remarkable efforts in promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion within the construction industry and beyond.

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